Cohere Studio
Cohere Studio


Mercury retrograde. The cosmic oopsie-daisy of the astrology world. Two words that can make anyone shudder and run for cover, but why does this planet pack so much heat?


Planetary-wise, mercury rules communication, technology, and decision-making. So, when mercury decides to do a moonwalk in the sky, it’s as if the pause button is activated on clear thinking, smooth conversations, and glitch-free gadgets. It’s like the cosmic switchboard gets a bit tangled, and suddenly emails disappear into a blackhole, or you hit that send button a little too soon with an abundance of grammatical errors, texts turn into cryptic poetry, your plane is delayed or worse, cancelled, misunderstandings with friends and lovers, and your ex shows up on your doorstep. Total shitshow.


So, whilst the M is in the gade, it is advised that you be cautious when signing contracts, avoid purchasing anything technological, pause important decision making, starting new projects, relying on technology and communication tools, and thinking twice before allowing that pesky ex or lover back in. As communication is in the spotlight, be mindful of mishaps that occur mid-convo, you might be quick to take offence. Remember to pause and take a millisecond to reflect and then speak. Future you will thank you.


It isn’t all bad though, for this time allows us to slow down, rest, re-think, gain closure, and rejig old patterns. This leads to incredible breakthroughs and when we resume regular motion; we can move onwards and upwards with renewed purpose. Sometimes we need to temporarily reverse for a few weeks so that we can correct our course.  It is important not to be disheartened if plans seem to go awry, this is YOUR time to adjust, be flexible, and practice patience.


When is the world in mercury retrograde?

2023 dates

21 April – 14 May

23 August – 15 September

3 December – 1 January 2024 (deep breaths)


Let it be known, the two weeks leading up to the retrograde and the two weeks following are included. She needs to ease her way in and then needs time to regain her strength. Some say that a month before, you will start to the see the effects of the retrograde, like a slow and yet very animated cha-cha, but I find that to be a very depressing thought, so the jury is out, as far as I am concerned.


Each retrograde will affect us differently as it is dependent on the sign that it lands in but it’s the sign that each retrograde falls under that sees the deepest effects.


As of the 23rd of August, she is retrograding in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so this transient is going to be a little gentler on us – pop the confetti.


This cycle is all about analysing the details of our life, our daily patterns, and habits, and realising anyone that is failing us or keeping us stuck. Virgo loves perfectionism so if you find yourself picking at people, niggling at the little things or taking offence more easily, it is important to release that mentality. It is high time to catch and release our patterns, and if you do, there will be an amazing gift waiting for you late September.


Whether you have been aware of it or not, we face this time and time again so take comfort in the fact that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and we get through this each time, and perhaps are better for it.


Godspeed and may the force be with you.